The problem of disrobe-ament
This one might not make it past your internet filters. (by the way, if you don't have a filter, get one)Nudity is the...
+This one might not make it past your internet filters. (by the way, if you don't have a filter, get one)Nudity is the...
+for a letter from Richy (the bigger one)The Official on the Clarks Move To our MCF family, First of all, please forgive me...
+Newbie Materialistic Worrier said...Hello Ms. Smarypants,I'm not usually a worrier.But i find myself worrying now...over the silliest thing. The office where i work...
+Richy is doing really well. We have to make an appointment with the neurologist for 3 weeks or so from now, and we'll...
+Last night I politely requested to Richy and Toby that they sleep until 9. Wake up in time for Sesame Street, that was...
+Thank you all so much for praying. We have turned the corner on this thing, praise God. R2 had a bad seizure yesterday...
+R2 has just been lifeflighted to Hermann after a very severe seizure. He is critical but stable.Thank you for your prayers....
+I left you on Friday... so, a recap. Friday, we got lost in Vegas some more. Went to three services at the School...
+After a long day of obsessively making lists and eventually packing, we were off. I said goodbye to my babies.... sigh. My mom...
+My mission today, whether or not I choose to accept it, is to pack for 5 people for 4 days.... I have to...
+I remember it well. Happy Birthday to ME! I love my birthday. I just... I just geek out about it. It is so...
+I'm not doing real sewing yet... just practicing on some fabric my mom gave me. I don't have any patterns or anything, just...
+Not posting... or doing laundry... or making food... BECAUSEWAHOOOO! Happy Birthday to me!...
+My new refrigerator will be arriving any minute... the main thing that bummed me out about this apartment was the broken-ish old fridge.......
+The plan was to make a quick trip to the library and the grocery...back in time to blog pre noon. We were unavoidably...
+What a horribly unpleasant day yesterday... I HATE throwing up. I go to great lengths to avoid it. Gee whiz. Feeling much better...
+Man's Pants Catch Fire At AirportPOSTED: 5:04 pm EDT October 4, 2007UPDATED: 6:53 pm EDT October 4, 2007ATLANTA -- The new iPod Nano...
+I've been trying to think of the right thing to say... but there is no right thing. Not even a good thing.To Josh...
+YAY! Fast internet.... zoooomzoomzoomWe moved into the new place Sunday. Unbelievable. We threw away and donated a 1 car garage full of stuff....
+using a tiny little hijacked signal here... my real internet should be hooked up later today... we're in the new apartment....it was a...