Mmm... oh, wait
5:20 decide to order pizza5:21-5:31 try to get the pizza hut online ordering to work. No go.5:31 Order pizza, on the phone. "Pizza...
+5:20 decide to order pizza5:21-5:31 try to get the pizza hut online ordering to work. No go.5:31 Order pizza, on the phone. "Pizza...
+Our house is getting empty. We sold a fridge, and Rags to Riches just picked up half a box truck full of furniture...
+Mama PC long can an animal go without being fed by the owner?Of course, this answer depends on the animal and the...
+a bevy of Type A's has descended upon my house, to get my proverbial rear in gear. I'll have to blog later.Not getting...
+Only a brave or stupid woman would be blogging with this many little boys in her house... especially since they are all downstairs...
+The lovely Ruby Joy, 8 pounds 5 ounces. I forgot to do Smartypants, maybe absence will make the heart grow fonder. This weekend...
+So- we made it through storytime, La Palma, and the Talking Tree without Steph having a baby. It just trips me out. All...
+We're off to the library with the Rob Clarks... and La Palma... and maybe the talking tree. I suggested to Steph that maybe...
+6 years since 9/11. In some ways, it seems like it's been a lifetime, doesn't it? And then, like it was last month....
+dear ms sphow many boxes can/will/should you/others pack in a day?Excellent question, "Beth". One should be packing 100-150 boxes a day currently. But...
+the trouble with my announcements is that somebody, usually one person who will remain unnamed, has already announced our announcements to a select...
+Quick pre-storytime blogging here... today, the cousins are going to the library with us... as well as Stephanie and her large pregnant-ness. Watch...
+This is awesome... As always, I have no control of the links it shows after this video... I didn't see any yucky ones,...
+Anonymous said...Dear Ms Smartypants,Why is it that "some" people believe that it is boring to be a housewife or stay-at-home mother? I believe...