I'm here. I just can't think of anything to say. So there you go.Hey! I thought of something... if you're local, please spread...
+Tuesday, July 31, 2007
Monday, July 30, 2007

josharoo said...Mrs. Smartypants, What did the Jones’ do to be chosen for the phrase “Keeping up with the Jones’?” Frederick X. Jones, that...
+Friday, July 27, 2007
Ask a Smartypants, darnit
Ms. Smartypants is a weekly advice/information column appearing on Mondays. You may submit your questions now (Friday) through Sunday night (sunday night). We...
+Thursday, July 26, 2007
Cliifhanger, hanging from a cliff....
Now, you're probably asking yourself: "What happened? Did she go to the library? What shenanigans did Toby pull? Where is she?? It's past...
+Wednesday, July 25, 2007
mission unlikely
My mission, should I choose to accept it: Go NOW, in the narrow window of time between breakfast and nap. Procure library books....
+Tuesday, July 24, 2007
Tuesday morning at noon
Getting a pretty late start today... got home from a meeting with the Radiants last night post-midnight. So my boys slept till 10....
+Monday, July 23, 2007
jess said...Ms. Smartypants- Why, at 4:30 on Friday, are there NO questions for your enlightening column? Well, “Jess”, and may I say, what...
+Friday, July 20, 2007

Ask a Smartypants
Ms. Smartypants will be accepting questions from now until an arbitrary point on Sunday. We reserve the right to skip questions because our...
+Thursday, July 19, 2007
Last night we went and got haircuts for the richys... I was planning on getting Toby's cut, too... but I chickened out. If...
+Wednesday, July 18, 2007
torture therapy
Back from toddler time at the library. R2 and I were pretty stoked about this one, as it was listed as a Puppet...
+Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Congrats Crouse house!
Has everyone heard Pam Crouse's news? I'll give you a hint. It was a BIG surprise.In other news, took my kids to my...
+Monday, July 16, 2007
Ms. Smartypants will be appearing during naptime. Until then, go about your day as usual. anonymous said...Why would a mother of three, be...
+Friday, July 13, 2007
Smartypants is BACK
Marnin, all.Well, today I woke up at 8 and hopped right up - assuming that Toby would be minutes behind. But now it's...
+Thursday, July 12, 2007
Quit biting your nails, I'm here
Last night, our "lawn boy"... we'll just call him "Daniel Mathews" was mowing the lawn, and he accidentally cut the phone line. So...
+Wednesday, July 11, 2007

One of the elements in my new semi-productive life is doing things with my kids. For example.... Storytime at the library. Every Wednesday...
+Tuesday, July 10, 2007

mo catchin up
It's funny in a non-funny way to realize what a "victim" I have become. So many excuses for why I can't be or...
+Monday, July 9, 2007
rejoice bloggerati
Welcome back! To me, that is... and anybody else who hasn't been here in a whileThe fast... was not particularly spiritual. I did...